Some of my reading suggestions...


These 2 books by John Edward are so amazing. For one he is the most amazingly honest writer that I have read, Besides both books are to do with medium work and the trials and tribulations of what it is to be a spiritual guidance medium. Some day I am hoping to be able to sit and just talk to him. Not for a reading but as a person. (We all have our fantasies)


Yes just because Im an adult doesn't mean I can't love Harry Potter. I am waiting not so patiently for the movie to come out. I have collected some stuff but only the stuff on sale.


Any work by Kahlil Gibran but especially this one book. I always give it away as gifts to people. For my husband, I am collecting the entire collection if possible.

Dean Koontz

When I lived in So Calif we would go meet up with him for his book signings. I have alot of signed copies of his books. He is an amazing man whom is not like anything he writes about. have passed these books down to my son now. He even hasoneildrens book he wrote signed by both Dean and the illustrator.

Richard Bach

He has written a couple of good ones but the one I always buy extra copies to just have around are Jonathon Livingston Seagull. Illusions, and the Reluctanted Messiah are both excellent also.

Tony Burroughs

The Intenders Of The Highest Good. Just what the name implys. It's a novel by a friend of mine and its almost a prophecy of what is happening in todays world. I also have an ancient collection of books some from the turn of the century (Last century lol)

I have some of my favorite childrens books: Donna Parker (I still have 4 of the original) 365 Bedtime Stories (that was given to me by my aunt and I read it everynite) Little Black Sambo

From my sons books: The Monster at the end of the Book(His grandpas and his favorite book) Alexander. I also have the original Dick and Jane readers from school. Original Winnie the Pooh book. Some books my mom had when she went to high school (now those are scary especially the psychology ones and homemaking ones). They are scarier than the Dean Koontz stuff lol.

Because of Joyce I may try and read some romance novels but I'm not so sure of the reaction my husband Rob will have to them!

I use books about Crystals, Healings, Angels etc also in my work.